
Adoption Process

Interested in one of our beautiful feline friends? Adding a new pet to your home is a long term commitment and should not be taken lightly. Please take some time to read the following guidelines that will help you decide your readiness to adopt. They will help you make a decision on whether your lifestyle is suited to accepting a new cat or kitten into your home at this time.

  1. Are you prepared to make a 15-20 year commitment to a cat?

  2. Are you financially able to take care of routine medical care for your cat or any emergency care that may arise?

  3. Are you prepared to take the time and effort to properly acclimate your new cat to your home and your current pets?

  4. Cats shed! Are you prepared for the extra cleaning caused by shedding, coughed up hairballs and litter boxes?

  5. Are you prepared to spend time playing with, petting and nurturing your cat emotionally?

  6. Are you prepared to “kitty proof” your home in order to make it a safe place for your adult cat and especially your kitten?

  7. Although you may initially be drawn to a cat that has a certain fur color or pattern, are you open to exploring different options to find a cat that may be more compatible to your personality and lifestyle?

  8. Do you work very long hours or travel often? If so, you may consider waiting until your life becomes a little less busy before you adopt a cat.

  9. Are you prepared to work with your kitty if a behavioral problem arises at any point in their life?

  10. Do you move often or anticipate an unpredictable living situation that may result in you living in a home or apartment that does not accept cats?

  11. Is EVERYONE in your home “on board” with adding a new pet to your family?

  12. Do you have someone who is willing to care for your cat in the event you go on vacation, etc?

If you would like more information about the responsibilities of pet ownership, please click on the following links:

If you answered “YES” to the above questions, please proceed with filling out the application below!

Please read the application carefully and fill out completely. After your application is submitted, please allow a minimum of 3-5 days for a response from our Adoption Team. Our staff is 100% volunteer and appreciate your patience with this process.

Once you are pre-approved you can schedule and secure your appointment for a non-refundable $15 fee that will cover your microchip for your new four-legged friend if you choose to adopt and it also allows you and your family to visit all of our rooms

Prior to visiting, you and everyone in your group must sign the waiver and release by 12pm of the day of your visit. Failure to do so will result in time taken out of your visit to sign


Fostering Process

1. Go onto our Facebook Page - LIKE & FOLLOW our page!

3. Complete and submit the application below.

4. After submitting your application, you will be contacted within a few days to provide further details and to let you know which cat/kittens are available and see it they are a fit for your household. We look forward to having you on board!

No Facebook? No problem! Click here for an application and email to